Thor (Thorny Devils MC Book 1)
MLJ Quigg
Thorny Devils MC Book 1
MLJ Quigg
Copyright 2018 MLJ Quigg
All Rights Reserved
This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organisations or places is entirely coincidental.
All rights are reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author. All songs, song titles, and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.
Trigger warning: This book contains triggers that may be too much for some readers. It includes references to rape, has foul language, and male on male action. You have been warned.
If any of these are triggers to you, please don’t read.
If you have ANY problems personally, don’t bottle it up. Talk to someone—a professional, a friend, a family member, or a pet. Anyone. Just talk. You are not alone. Help is ALWAYS there if you ask for it. More information is provided here.
Editing by Colleen Snibson, Copy Editor – Two Red Pens Editing Service
Editing by Rogena Mitchel-Jones, Literary Editor – Two Red Pens Editing Service
Book design by Swish Design & Editing
Cover design by MLJ Quigg
Cover Image Copyright 2019
Second Edition 2019
All rights reserved
After being separated for fifteen years, can they let the past be in the past, or is there too much hurt to forgive and forget.
Fifteen years ago, he broke my heart, leaving me to put my life together after he disappeared. Then out of the blue, he waltzes back in like it didn't matter. I knew I couldn't keep him away because it wasn't just me anymore.
I made the biggest mistake when I left her. Now she's back, and I'm going nowhere. She will be mine again. She just has to get with the program.
To Mum and Dad.
I wouldn’t be who and what I am without you.
I miss you both.
I hope you are living it up with the big guy upstairs.
Love you always. xoxo
I would first like to thank my parents for giving me the ability to be the strong, loving woman that I hope I am. You are my heroes and my role models. I miss you both so much. I love and think of you every day.
To my husband, who has been by my side for the past twenty-four years. You are a constant inspiration to me, and I love you. Thank you, for not getting pissed at all the late nights I’ve been writing and researching.
To my kids, you are pains in the arse, and I couldn’t be any happier. I love you brats so much.
My bestie, Melissa, I couldn’t have done this without your support and direction. No, this is not a glimpse into our private lives. I’m not that much of an adventurer. You know me. I’d kill anyone who tried that shit on my hubby. Love you, woman.
To my editing team, Colleen and Rogena, for all their input and guidance. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You girls rock!
To Kaylene from Swish Design and Editing for making this book so pretty.
To all my readers. I hope you enjoy my first book and thank you for taking the time to read it. I hope you love it as much as I loved writing it.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Connect With Me Online
About the Author
As I looked around the table at my brothers, I got more pissed off by the second. We had been at this for over an hour and still hadn’t found a solution. The club’s businesses had been getting hit with break-ins and vandalism, not to mention the drug set-up with the cops. Luckily, nothing came of that since we are a clean club—thank fuck. Then there was the drive-by shooting where we lost a brother. Goddamn motherfuckers. I’d had enough of this fucking shit. This had been going on for the past two months, and it was time to end this. We needed to find out who was hitting us once and for fucking all.
“We have to do something. This is beyond a fucking joke. We don’t have the men to keep security and to find out who is hitting us. These fuckers have to be stopped,” said Dozer, my VP and best friend from his seat next to me. His face reflected the fury we all felt.
“We’re down on manpower at the moment. With the hits we’ve been getting, what do you suggest?” I replied, looking towards him.
“We could outsource security to help, and then we can all concentrate on finding the fuckers and dealing with them,” said Trigger, our enforcer. He was always short and to the point.
“What the fuck, man? You can’t bring outsiders into this!” said our road captain, Bluey.
“No, he may have a point. We don’t need to tell them club business, just the basics,” said Hulk, our sergeant-at-arms.
“All right, all right, calm down, brothers. We need eyes on the ground. Someone out there knows something, and I don’t want to lose anyone else. We need to be able to concentrate on finding who these fuckers are, and if we can get outside help on keeping our businesses safe, I’m all for it,” I replied.
“Okay, who we gonna call?” asked Dozer.
“Ghostbusters!” we all yelled out, collapsing into laughter.
When Dozer got a ‘get fucked’ expression on his face, I knew he regretted his words.
After we calmed down, we grew serious once again.
“My cousin works for Henderson Security. They have worldwide contracts and are all ex-military. He said that if I ever needed help, I could ask him for anything. It might be worth a try,” said our newest brother, Kid, giving a small shrug.
“I’ve heard of them. They are a huge company,” said Blade, our secretary.
“I agree. I’ve heard nothing but good things about them. All in favour of asking say aye,” I said.
From around the table came a chorus of ayes.
“All right, Kid. Make the call, and we’ll see what they say. You might as well do it now while we’re all here. Does anyone else have anything to bring to the table?” I asked, looking at everyone.
When no one said anything, I nodded and said, “All right, guys, let’s chat while Kid makes the call.”
Kid took his phone out while we half listened to his one-sided conversation.
“So what’s going on with you and Trina?” Dozer asked me
“Fucking! That’s all. The bitch is starting to get clingy. I was all right years ago, but fuck, man, she’s a club girl. She spreads her legs Thor for everyone. She thinks I’m gonna go exclusive. Fuck. No. I like my variety. There have been some fucking wild chicks coming through lately.”
“I know. The new redhead is fucking hot. Fuck, man, you can bend her in shapes never seen before. Wild little minx that one, that’s for sure.” He sighed.
“Fuck, you’re a horn dog.” I laughed.
“Like you’re any better. How many did you have last month at the same time—three or four? I could hear their screams from my room,” said Dozer, laughing.
“Well, gotta keep in shape, and not only is it a great way to do it, but it’s more fun.” I winked at him and then sighed. “I am sick of it, though, Doze. It’s not holding the appeal anymore. I want to settle down and have kids, you know? Fuck. I wish she were here,” I muttered.
“I know what you mean. Why don’t you find her, and see how she is?” he said.
“What if she’s happy and married with kids, Doze? I couldn’t do that to her.”
“What if she’s not? You’ll never know if you don’t look.” “Yeah, true. Maybe I will look her up. If I see her happy with someone else, it will break me all over again. I mean, I’ll be happy if she’s happy, but he will have what I want, and I don’t know if I can do that to myself. You know what I mean?” I asked.
“Yeah, I do. You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t,” Dozer replied.
I nodded.
Kid said his goodbyes and hung up, ending the call, and then looked at me with his usual smile.
“He put me onto a guy named Mike, who said to come on over. They can see us now, but we have to go to them because they are training new recruits, which they can’t get out of. Or we can wait and make an appointment for another day if we want.”
“Well, there’s no time like the present. What do you say, boys? Who wants to come and see what the professionals are like?” I asked, smirking.
All thirty guys stood up, and I chuckled. “All right, let’s go.”
“Tiny, have you got time to meet the potential clients that are coming in? They should be here in about ten minutes!” Mike yelled across the floor.
I stopped and stepped away from Tyler, my training partner, and looked at the clock to see I had about forty-five minutes until the kids got here.
“Yeah, sure. Dave is picking the kids up from school today so we can do the training. We’re almost finished here,” I answered.
“All right, I’m gonna finish this paperwork before they get here, so let me know. I wanna sit in on it, okay?” he said.
“No worries, hon,” I replied.
Going back to our training, Tyler and I started trading blows. We were so into it that we didn’t hear anything. I flattened Tyler by swiping his legs out from under him, then followed him to the floor and put him in a headlock until he tapped out.
“Uncle, uncle.” Tyler gasped as he tapped out.
“You’re getting so much better, Tyler. You made me work for it this time.” I clapped him on the back after he passed me a towel.
When I heard wolf-whistles and clapping, it sounded like it was more than just my guys here for recruitments.
I turned around and saw about thirty guys, all in denim and leather vests, clapping. I walked up to them.
“Hi. I’m Tiny. Can I help you guys at all?” I asked.
“Hey, I’m Kid. We’re looking for Mike. He told us to come in,” the guy in the middle said.
Ah, this must be the meeting Mike was talking about. Hmm.
Okay, then.
“No worries. I’ll just go get him for you. Tyler, take over for me, all right?” I said.
“Sure thing, boss,” Tyler replied.
As I turned and started on my way to get Mike, I smiled as I heard, “Fuck me. I wouldn’t mind being thrown down by her.”
“Shut the fuck up, dickhead. We’re not here for that.”
I froze. I knew that voice. It was older, but I was sure it was him. I turned back to get a look at the speaker, and yep, it was him all right. He gave me a seductive smile while looking at me from head to toe slowly. I couldn’t believe, after fifteen years of me trying to find him, he just waltzes in with not a care in the world. As he got back to my face, I seductively walked up to him, then put both of my hands on his shoulders and kneed him right in the balls. He leaned forward, trying to catch his breath, so I turned sideways and kneed him in the stomach. He doubled over, coughing and wheezing while holding his balls.
Good. Fucking arsehole.
All hell broke loose, then. One guy tried to grab me, but I got out of his hold then hit him on the nose and then his gut. He went down.
The next grabbed me from behind. I broke his hold, flipped him to the ground, and then punched his forehead. He stayed there.
I was about to take down a third guy when I heard a distinctive click, and I knew I had a gun pointed at me. I turned slowly, and he had it aimed at my forehead.
Jeez, he recovered fast. Tough bastard.
“You better make it count, arsehole, while you can.” I sneered at him
Silence filled the room.
“What the fuck is your problem, bitch,” he said with heavy breaths.
“You are, you fucking pussy. I hope that fucking hurt,” I said.
“I don’t even know you, cunt.”
Fuck, it hurt that he didn’t even recognise me. I knew I looked different—fifteen years did that to you, not to mention the facial reconstructions I had to have—but I didn’t think I’d changed that much. Well, I suppose I had. I had tattoos on both my arms from my elbows to my wrists, covering my scars. I also had a lot more muscle definition than I used to, not that I had a choice in the matter. I was still short and still had the black hair, but I suppose the hairstyle I had it in for training wouldn’t help. Yeah, my face was different, but I still had the same blue eyes. Fuck him. Just... fuck him!
My blood was boiling by this stage, but just as I was about to reply, I heard thundering footsteps.
“What the fuck is going on in here?” Mike yelled as he took in the scene he had just run into.
“Um, this woman just attacked us,” Kid said.
Mike looked at them all and zeroed in on the arsehole.
“Holy fuck! Tiny, is that who I think that is?” Mike asked.
“Buddy, you might want to lower that weapon before you get into a world of hurt,” Mike said to the arsehole, knowing what was going to happen.
“Not on your fucking life. This cunt attacked me first,” arsehole replied still holding the gun on me.
Mike looked at me and saw the look on my face.
“Tiny, hon, calm down. Don’t do—”
Before he’d even finished the sentence, I grabbed the gun, twisted arsehole’s wrist, and disarmed him, bringing the gun to his forehead.
All of his guys pulled their weapons out and pointed them at me while all of my guys reciprocated. We were at a stalemate.
“Calm down, everyone. There has to be a reasonable explanation for this,” Mike said trying to defuse the situation.
“This bitch started it, but we’ll finish it,” the arsehole said.
“Try it then.” I snorted at him.
“I don’t think she likes you, boss,” muttered the guy next to him.
Just as he was about to reply, the door opened, and we heard excited chattering going on.
“Fuck,” I muttered. I disabled the gun by ejecting the chamber and barrel, then I put my hand out to Mike and handed him the gun.
“Thank fuck for that,” Mike whispered.
Everyone else quickly put their weapons away.
I turned and watched as my kids all ran up and crowded me, talking over each other.
“Hey, Mum, guess what?” my youngest said.
“What, Jack?”
��Con and I made it into the senior rugby team, and Maddi got the leading role in the school play,” Jack said.
Smiling, I said, “That’s fantastic, kids. I’m so proud of you all. Now, I distinctly remember Uncle Dave was going to take you to get a treat.” I looked pointedly at Dave.
“I did, didn’t I? Come on, kids. Let’s go and get pizza,” he said, sensing the tension.
I gave the kids one last hug and a kiss on their cheeks.
Just as they were about to leave, Dave walked over to Mike and kissed him.
“You okay, baby,” Dave asked.
“Yeah, all good, hon,” Mike replied.
“You okay, Monique?” Dave turned to me.
“What the fuck?” I heard from the arsehole.
I nodded at Dave, and then he walked out with the kids.
When I turned back, the arsehole was studying me.
“Monique, is that really you?” he asked.
“Hello, Derrick,” I answered.
“Holy fuck. You look good,” he said.
“Don’t even fucking go there, Derrick.”
Man, I was so fucking pissed at him. I gave him a filthy look before turning away from him.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. After all these years, Monique was still a fucking knockout. I don’t know why I didn’t recognise her. She still had her black hair, albeit a lot longer. It wasn’t curled like she used to wear it but was in three braids that reached down to the middle of her back. She still had the bright blue eyes, her curves, and her tits were still big. She still had a nice sized arse, but her thighs, arms, and stomach had a lot more muscle definition. Half-sleeve tattoos covered both her arms and continued over her shoulders and back. A vine of cherry blossoms ran down her left thigh. She was still short, though, coming up to my chin— then again, I was a tall guy.
Man, we were all drooling over her when she was fighting. They were going at it for a good five minutes after we showed up until he tapped out when she flattened the poor guy and put him in a headlock.